DCDC Kidney Care

Expert Consultation

Through Expert Consultation, we try our best to maintain proper supervision of all our centers. Our team ensures proper checkups of our patients and provides hassle-free services. DCDC provides a wide range of consultation services for our patients according to their convenience. For patients who are associated with us, can consult their center’s nephrologist anytime. Even if they want to consult any other nephrologist, we have that option as well. For patients who are not associated with us, too have access to our expert consultations through telephones or remote monitoring. Our team handles the smooth functioning of the process and connects our patients and our nephrologists together.

OPD Consultation

Our panel of nephrologists maintains adequate control of our centers so that our patients don’t have to hassle around. Through monthly blood checkups and clinical monitoring, our experts analyze our patient’s reports and on the basis of that their treatment is organized and handled carefully. Our experts even make sure that the dialysis sessions are running smoothly and that each of our patients are taken care of.


So that our patients receive the best of supervision and care, our experts are continuously working. Through Tele-consultation, we have eliminated the distance barrier between our patients and our experts. With this service, our patients can even consult renowned nephrologists who are supervising centers in other states. Our team handles the entire process so that our patient’s queries are resolved.

Remote Monitoring

Through remote monitoring, we aim to provide consultations to even those who are by far not accessible to our nephrologists. Our team conducts audit sessions to ensure proper safety standards are maintained and through distant technology connects our patients and experts together. Under this process, our patients have dual access, either they can visit our centers for consulting our nephrologists or they can opt for tele-consultation.